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Family, children, marriage

Where can I conclude a marriage? How can I ensure parental authority and children’s rights? How can I arrange childcare? How can I adopt a child?

Personal documents, certificates, change of residence

When must I renew my identity card or passport? Where can I obtain a driving licence? What is a digital certificate?

Education, culture

How to enrol a child in primary school? Where do I apply for a secondary school? How do I obtain a scholarship? What are the conditions for obtaining ...

Labour, retirement

How can I obtain an old-age pension; state retirement pension? What are my rights from the employment relationship etc.?

Social services, health, death

How can I obtain financial social assistance? How do I report death? How can I obtain a health insurance card?


How to obtain a tax identification number? How to submit a tax return form for tax on property?

State and society

How can I inquire as to whether I am eligible to vote? How do I report a public event?


How do I obtain a visa; information for travellers?

Real estate and environment

How to change the actual use of land? How to obtain a suitable building permit etc.?

Agriculture, forestry, food

Agricultural and rural development; organic farming; integrated production; obtaining status of a farmer etc.

Transport, transport infrastructure

Where can a roadworthiness test of a vehicle be conducted? How to register a vehicle?